Privacy & Security

Your privacy is our priority

We never sell or share your data with any third parties (except in the cases of automatic opt-outs). In those cases, we only pass on the bare minimum required for opt-outs.

Data Storage

Our data is securely housed in a dedicated, access-controlled database located within Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers. These AWS data centers are certified and compliant with ISO 27001, SOC 1, and SOC 2 standards. We retain only the necessary information for processing removals, and when you opt to discontinue using PrivacyZen, all your data is promptly and thoroughly erased from our records.

Anonymized Sharing

It is essential to hold websites accountable when they fail to respond to data removal requests. To handle this, we gather data on the responsiveness of websites, distinguishing those that comply from those that do not. We ocasionally share anonymized information with the appropriate judicial authorities.


Some brokers will require email/phone verification. Many competitors will blast your contact information out (inadvertently exposing your private information). We do not use your contact information, we use disposable emails and phone numbers not associated with you.

Data Retention

We retain logs to ensure the accuracy of our scans and removal requests. However, if you choose to leave PrivacyZen, we promptly delete your account data, ensuring your information is no longer stored on our platform.

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